Ezra Jack Keats

Ezra Jack Keats

Week 1: The Snowy Day

  • friend: someone you like and trust
  • smack: a sharp slap
  • pretend: to make believe
  • climber: a person that climbs
  • adventure: an exciting activity
  1. The girls like to pretend they are flower fairies.
  2. When building a snowman, they smack the snow to make it stick together.
  3. Carl has a best friend who shares his toys with him.
  4. The twins were excited about their upcoming camping adventure.
  5. The climber was well prepared for his trip to the Rocky Mountains.
  1. When Peter woke up and looked out his window he saw snow.
  2. After eating breakfast Peter put on his snowsuit and went outside.
  3. Peter made a crunching noise as he walked.
  4. Peter’s feet sank in the deep snow.
  5. As Peter walked he made patterns in the snow with his feet.
  6. When Peter found a stick, he had fun smacking a snow-covered tree.
  7. Because he was too young, Peter could not join the bigger boy’s in their snowball fight.
  8. Peter had fun making a snowman and snow angels.
  9. Peter had fun pretending he was a mountain climber.
  10. Peter made a snowball and put it in his pocket for the next day.
  11. Peter told his mother all about his adventures.
  12. Peter was sad when the snowball was no longer in his pocket.

Week 2: Whistle For Willie

  • whistle: to make a sound with your lips
  • practice: to do something over and over again
  • shadow: a dark area
  • scramble: to mix together
  • errand: a short trip taken to do something
  1. In order to play the song perfectly, Abby had to practice her piano everyday.
  2. The dog wagged his tail when he heard his master’s whistle.
  3. Jack liked to scramble his eggs for breakfast.
  4. My elderly neighbor asked me to run an errand for her when she was sick.
  5. The bright sun cast a shadow of my body on the wall.
  1. Peter saw a boy playing with his dog and wished he could learn to whistle.
  2. Because he couldn’t whistle, Peter decided to twirl.
  3. When Peter hid in the carton, Willie didn’t see him.
  4. Peter tried so hard to learn to whistle that his cheeks were tired.
  5. Peter had fun pretending to be his father.
  6. Peter tried to run away from his shadow.
  7. When Peter reached the corner where the carton was he saw Willie.
  8. Peter hid under the carton and blew and blew.
  9. Willie heard Peter’s whistle and looked around to see who it was.
  10. Peter proudly showed-off his whistle to his father and mother.
  11. Peter whistled all of the way to the grocery store.

Week 3: Peter’s Chair

  • fussing: busy with activity
  • arrange: to put in order
  • special: better than usual
  • rascal: a mischievous child
  • idea: a thought
  1. Mother made a special dinner every Sunday.
  2. Grandma Shirley was fussing over the new born baby.
  3. My brother was a rascal when he hid my doll from me.
  4. The teacher loved the idea of setting aside a day for sharing stories.
  5. After picking wild flowers on her hike, Jane wanted to arrange them nicely in a vase.
  1. When Peter’s block tower came crashing down, he was told to be quiet.
  2. Peter was upset because his family painted his cradle pink.
  3. Peter’s father wanted Peter to help him paint.
  4. Peter was happy his family had not painted his chair.
  5. Peter decided to run away from home with his dog Willie.
  6. Peter filled a shopping bag with cookies and dog biscuits.
  7. Peter took his blue chair, his toy crocodile, and a picture when he was a baby.
  8. Peter and Willie only ran away to outside his house.
  9. When Peter sat on his chair he discovered that he was too big for it.
  10. When mother called for Peter, he pretended that he didn’t hear.
  11. Peter’s mother was happy when she saw signs that he was home.
  12. After Peter ate lunch in a grown-up chair, he decided to help his father paint the little chair pink.

Week 4: A Letter To Amy

  • invite: to ask someone to come
  • glance: a quick look
  • reflection: an image in a mirror or shiny surface
  • wish: a strong hope for something
  • chant: to repeat something over and over
  1. If you see a falling star, make a wish.
  2. I will invite all my family and friends to my party in April.
  3. The crow began to chant, “score, score, score,” during the final quarter of the soccer game.
  4. The reflection of the trees on the still lake looked almost like a photo.
  5. Each day as she passed, Ellen would glance into the store window at the beautiful dresses.
  1. Peter wrote a letter to Amy to invite her to his party.
  2. When he went to mail the letter, his mother told Peter to wear a raincoat.
  3. He told his mother he was writing a letter because this was a special invitation.
  4. There were dark clouds in the sky when Peter went out.
  5. When Peter looked into Amy’s window he saw her parrot.
  6. Peter wondered what the boys would think about a girl being at his party.
  7. The letter to Amy was blown out of Peter’s hand by a strong wind.
  8. Peter chased the letter but was not able to catch it.
  9. As Peter was chasing the letter, Amy came around the corner.
  10. When Peter and Amy both chased the letter, Peter bumped into Amy.
  11. Because Amy ran home crying, he was afraid she would not come to the party.
  12. In the end, Peter was glad that Amy came to the party.

Week 5: Pet Show

  • brag: to boast
  • hangout: a place to be with friends
  • handsome: good looking
  • entrance: a way in
  • judge: a person who decides the winners in a contest
  1. On his wedding day, my brother looked very handsome.
  2. The kids spent a lazy summer day reading books in their hangout.
  3. Sam liked to brag about his exotic boa constrictor.
  4. The judge announced that Sally won the art contest.
  5. The entrance to the concert was blocked with people.
  1. Matt, Roberto, Archie and their friends were excited about the pet show.
  2. When it came time to get ready for the show, Archie could not find his cat.
  3. When Roberto’s mouse took off, everyone chased it.
  4. At the beginning of the pet show the judges asked the owners to line up with their pets.
  5. All of the pets in the show got a prize.
  6. Archie arrived just when the last prize was being awarded.
  7. Archie told the judge the pet in the jar was a germ.
  8. Archie’s pet was given a blue ribbon for being the quietest pet in the show.
  9. The old woman wanted Archie to have her blue ribbon because the cat was really Archie’s cat.
  10. Archie told the old woman she should keep the ribbon.
  11. Archie told the old woman the ribbon looked good on her.