Week 1:Early Life
Character Lexicon
- determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
- imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness
- inquisitive: curious or inquiring
- resourceful: having an ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties
- bilingual: the ability to speak two languages fluently
Comprehension Questions
- Ada’s parents were the legendary poet, Lord George Gordon Byron and Lady Anne Isabella. (Pg 8)
- No matter how hard she tried, Anabella could not squash Ada’s curiosity. (Pg 12)
- Anabella was especially talented at math, a subject that was mainly studied by men. (Pg 19)
- Anabella and Byron were married in January 1815. (Pg 22)
- Ada was taught music, French, and math. (Pg 27)
- If Ada sat still during her lessons she was rewarded with tickets and if she collected twelve tickets these could be traded for a book. (Pg 28)
- When Anabella was away from Kirkby Hall, Ada’s tutors allowed her to explore and imagine. (Pg 30)
Week 2:Introduction to Society and Science
Character Lexicon
- hopeful: feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event
- persevering: continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
- inventive: having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally
- responsible: having an obligation to do something, or having control or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role
- dedicated: devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity
Comprehension Questions
- After Ada and her mother returned to England, Ada was determined to make wings so that she could fly. (Pg 34)
- While Ada was ill she studied German, taught herself Latin and made a planetarium out of a box. (Pg 41)
- When Ada was seventeen years old she was presented to King William IV and Queen Adelaide at court. (Pg 46)
- The two machines that captured Ada’s attention at Charles Babbage’s house were a clockwork silver dancer and the Difference Engine. (Pg 55)
- Ada compared the loom to calculating machines. (Pg 63)
- In July of 1835, Ada married William King, an English baron. (Pg 69)
- Ada’s husband encouraged her to use her free time to study. (Pg 72)
Week 3:Later Life and Legacy
Character Lexicon
- visionary: thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
- eloquent: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
- meticulous: showing great attention to detail; very precise and careful
- ambitious: having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
- faithful: remaining loyal and steadfast; true to the facts or the original
Comprehension Questions
- Ada decided to translate Luigi Menabrea’s text about Babbage’s Analytical Engine into English. (Pg 83)
- Charles suggested that Ada include her own notes along with Luigi’s text. (Pg 84)
- While working on her translation, Ada had to fulfill her responsibilities as a mother, wife, and a member of high society. (Pg 87)
- When Ada developed cancer it limited the amount of time she could spend working. (Pg 95)
- At the Great Exhibition, Ada’s husband won an award for brick making. (Pg 97)
- Poetical science combine’s intelligence, determination, curiosity and imagination. (Pg 102)
- The United States Department of Defense (DOD) named a computer language after Ada’s initials, ADA. (Pg 106)