George Washington

George Washington

Week 1: Childhood

Character Lexicon
  • strong: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
  • clever: quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent
  • studious: spending a lot of time studying or reading
  • trustworthy: able to be relied on as honest or truthful
  • reliable: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
Comprehension Questions
  1. George Washington was born in Virginia, in a little red brick house his father had built. (Pg 8)
  2. When George Washington was old enough to sit firmly in a saddle, and hold the bridle right his family was living at Mount Vernon. (Pg 14)
  3. When George was old enough to go to school he and his family moved to Ferry Farm on the Rappahnnock River. (Pg 18)
  4. In addition to reading and writing George Washington was taught to dance. (Pg 20)
  5. When he lost his father George Washington became serious and studious and decided to study surveying because he was good at math and loved the outdoors. (Pg 24)
  6. When George Washington was made surveyor of the whole county he got to know the wilderness and the ways of the Indians better than most other men. (Pg 30)
  7. George Washington was twenty years old when he became a soldier. (Pg 30)

Week 2: Adult Life

Character Lexicon
  • diplomatic: having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and effective way
  • valiant: possessing or showing courage or determination
  • determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
  • self-sufficient: needing no outside help in satisfying one’s basic needs; emotionally and
    intellectually independent
  • wise: having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
Comprehension Questions
  1. The governor sent for George Washington because he had heard about his courage and skill and wanted a message taken to the French commander. (Pg 32)
  2. Deep in the wilderness Washington met Halfking, an Indian chief and they became good friends. (Pg 32)
  3. When George Washington returned to Williamsburg in the fall, he was worn and tired because hostile Indians had attacked him and he had almost drowned in an icy river. (Pg 34)
  4. When George Washington returned with the French commander’s offer, the governor of Virginia gave him a higher rank, much praise and several hundred soldiers to keep the French and Indians away. (Pg 34)
  5. After marrying Martha, the family moved to Mount Vernon because his brother Lawrence had died. (Pg 38)
  6. Everybody grew angry and decided to fight the Redcoats when the English king demanded they pay taxes the colonists thought were unjust. (Pg 42)
  7. The Americans asked George Washington to be their commander-in-chief and lead them in defense of their rights and liberties because he was the wisest and braves soldier they had. (Pg 44)

Week 3: Legacy

Character Lexicon
  • patient: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or
  • persevering: continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
  • leader: the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country
  • patriotic: having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country
  • loyal: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution
Comprehension Questions
  1. The army George Washington led was strange because it was made up of farmers and hunters. (Pg 46)
  2. During the war George Washington could not keep England from taking he territory of New York. (Pg 46)
  3. During the winter at Valley Forge, Washington encouraged his soldiers by suffering alongside them. When they were hungry and frozen, so was he and they loved him for this. (Pg 50)
  4. The King of France sent a great fleet and army to help George Washington end the war because the American soldier were now well-trained and turned back the Redcoats. (Pg 52)
  5. After the war George Washington was happy to once again become “Farmer Washington.” (Pg 56)
  6. After being inaugurated the first President of the United States he made the country strong, and planned and founded the town of Washington with the Capitol and the White House. (Pg 58)