Paper Things

Paper Things bundle

IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.

Section 1: Chapters 1 – 10

  1. Dread: anticipate with great apprehension or fear
  2. Grimy: covered with or characterized by dirt, grime
  3. Novelty: the quality of being new, original or unusual
  4. Renewed: to reestablish; to extended for a further period of time
  5. Stride: to walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction
  6. Vague: of uncertain, indefinite, unclear character or meaning
  1. “I’d been dreading that moment.” (pg. 4)
  2. “As we climb the grimy stairs I can smell natural gas from someone’s stove
    and burnt cheese.” (pg. 33)
  3. “I’ve been in the same class with these kids since kindergarten; you’d think
    the novelty would have worn off by now.” (pg. 8)
  4. “Maybe Mr. O. will have renewed faith in me, one of his supposedly
    gifted students.” (pg. 46)
  5. “The light changes, and Gage strides out into the street.” (pg. 26)
  6. “I’d asked lots of my own questions about our new apartment, but so far my
    brother had been vague with his answers.” (pg. 3)
Comprehension Questions
  1. The shoe box that Ari kept her paper things in doesn’t fit into her duffel so she keeps the paper things in a double-pocket folder. ((pg.. 2)
  2. Gage says that Janna cannot call social services because then they would find out how she had treated him and she wouldn’t get custody of Ari. ((pg.. 3)
  3. Gage lies to Ari and Janna about having an apartment. (pg. 6)
  4. Ari wishes three things, that she hadn’t laughed in Mr. O’s class, that she hadn’t been caught by Mr. Chandler, and that she could be shiny again. (pg. 10)
  5. The safe gap is “the time it takes for a car to get from the intersection to the crosswalk.” (pg. 12)
  6. With a big family you are likely to always have someone looking out for you. (pg. 22)
  7. Ari hopes, hopes, hopes that Mrs. Gretchel is working at the library because she is the only librarian who will look up your number if you have forgotten your library card. (pg. 25)
  8. When Ari and Gage reach Briggs apartment in the West End she realizes that she has left her library books on the desk in Chloe’s bedroom. (pg. 46)
  9. One of the first things Mr. Chandler does once he become principal is to cancel all school traditions like, Crazy Hat Day and Snowflake Day. (pg. 54-55)
  10. Mr. O is very happy to see Ari’s bibliography on his desk. (pg. 65)
  11. Marianne says that Ari can pick up a Carter application from Eastland Elementary. (pg. 84)

Section 2: Chapters 11 – 20

  1. Acknowledge: to accept or admit the existence or truth of something
  2. Coincidence: a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without
    apparent causal connection
  3. Cupola: a small dome, especially a small dome on top of a larger dome,
    adorning a roof or ceiling
  4. Discard: to get rid of something or someone, as no longer useful or
  5. Impudence: the quality of being impertinent, being scornful
  6. Resist: to withstand the action or effect of
  1. “I decide not to tell Sasha about my situation, after all – not until she
    acknowledges that I exist.” (pg. 151)
  2. “I wonder if Nate chose the song or if it’s a coincidence.” (pg. 149)
  3. “Is that the cupola?” (pg. 120)
  4. “Instead, I pick up a catalogue page that Omar had discarded, fold it, and
    cut out a snowflake.” (pg. 165)
  5. “I wonder what impudence means.” (pg. 124)
  6. “…Linnie, who can’t resist being part of any conversation that Sasha’s
    involved in.” (pg. 128)
Comprehension Questions
  1. The airplane man’s name is Reggie. (pg. 99)
  2. Janna never forget first-of-the-month responsibilities and rule number 28 is, “Pay before play.” (pg. 107)
  3. Ari realizes that rather than being mean, Kirsten is just sad and maybe lonely. (pg. 122)
  4. The word “Jiffy” reminds Ari of the possibility of a job for Gage at Jiffy Lube. (pg. 125-126)
  5. Ari was in second grade when her mother died. (pg. 133)
  6. Gage’s interview outfit is black pants, a white shirt, and a sport coat that Briggs has loaned him. (pg. 138)
  7. Gage says that in order to fit into the apartment in the east end Ari and he would have to be the size of Miles, Ari’s paper boy. (pg. 146)
  8. Ari decides not to tell Sasha about her situation until Sasha acknowledges that she exists. (pg. 153)
  9. Daniel gives Ari the suggestion to make up her own leadership role and ask the teachers if she could do that role. (pg.156)
  10. Ari doesn’t do more homework during computer lab because she is afraid that if she is caught her chances of attending Carter will be ruined. (pg. 163)
  11. When making cookies it was always Ari’s job to make the crisscrosses on the peanut butter cookies. (pg. 180)

Section 3: Chapters 21 – 30

  1. Decisive: settling an issue; producing a definite result
  2. Deface: to spoil the surface or appearance of something
  3. Penetrate: succeed in forcing a way into or through a thing
  4. Presumptuous: failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or
  5. Retrieve: to get or bring something back; regain possession of
  6. Revive: to restore to life or consciousness
  1. “After what feels like an eternity, Gage gives a decisive nod.” (pg. 233)
  2. Deface?” (pg. 210)
  3. “At first I think I’m dreaming, but then the actual words penetrate – just
    barely distinguishable through the thin walls.” (pg. 278)
  4. “…I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but I’ve got a place you can
    stay tonight.” (pg. 191)
  5. “He also retrieved a rolled up sleeping bag and a few quilts, which he
    tosses onto the cot.” (pg. 194)
  6. “And if it’s too late for me to get into Carter, at least it’s not too late for me
    to revive another of my Eastland traditions.” (pg. 250)
Comprehension Questions
  1. After Reggie leaves, Ari calls dibs on the mattress pad because she wants to be able to cuddle with Amelia during the night. (pg. 199)
  2. When Daniel screws up his face Ari can’t tell if he is thinking, a few sparkles never hurt anyone, or why she was so stupid to use glitter on the snowflakes. (pg. 213)
  3. Janna calls the room that Ari and Gage have never seen her sanctuary. (pg. 220)
  4. Gage and Ari do not have baby albums of any kind because their dad was never home long enough for him to take pictures and their mom was too tired to take any herself. (pg. 223)
  5. Ari can’t play Paper Things with Janna in the room as it is her private world and it doesn’t work when there are other people in the room. (pg. 227)
  6. The real reason that Gage wants Ari to put on her shoes outside is to hide the fact that the shoes have holes and are in terrible shape from Janna. (pg. 233)
  7. Anyone who has gone to Eastland knows that a pumpkin colored, half-sheet of paper means detention. (pg. 236
  8. The Louisa May Alcott quote that reminds Ari of Daniel is, “A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.” (pg. 251)
  9. The great thing about librarians is that they will help you find information without being nosey. (pg. 254)
  10. Ari does not get very far walking Amelia up and down the block as Amelia is known by a lot of people who stop them so they can pet her. (pg. 266)
  11. While walking under the stars, holding Gage’s warm hand, Ari feels safe and protected and she knows everything will be O.K. (pg. 279)

Section 4: Chapters 31 – 43

  1. Cavernous: giving the impression of vast size, shape, or atmosphere
  2. Flabbergasted : to surprise or greatly astonish
  3. Flinch: to make a quick nervous movement of the face or body as in an
    instinctive reaction to surprise, fear or pain
  4. Frivolous: not having any serious purpose or value
  5. Spontaneous: performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse
    or inclination
  6. Vulnerable: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm
  1. “The rooms are cavernous.” (pg. 304)
  2. “Janna looks completely flabbergasted, like the wind’s been
    knocked out of her sails.” (pg. 375)
  3. “He flinches, but she doesn’t let that stop her.” (pg. 317)
  4. “As I’ve explained to students and faculty alike, these so-called traditions
    are frivolous and disrupt learning.” (pg. 334)
  5. “Your mother was different; she was more playful, more spontaneous
    and more accepting.” (pg. 355)
  6. “ ‘ …You’’ll let me know if you need help?’ she asks, her voice more
    vulnerable than I’ve ever heard it.” (pg. 313)
Comprehension Questions
  1. After Mr. O’s class Ari is hit by tiredness and it gets worse as the day goes on. (pg. 295)
  2. When Ari is at Janna’s she gets to be a kid. (pg. 314)
  3. When Gage asks Janna why she never adopted him and Ari, Janna says she was afraid they would say no. (pg. 316)
  4. Ari lets Keisha organize Crazy Hat Day even though it was her idea because she feels Keisha will make if more of a success. (pg. 318)
  5. Ari says that one of the best things about Eastland traditions is that it makes everyone feel like they are part of the same community. (pg. 336)
  6. Ari gets sick of being “poor Ari,” Sasha gets sick of being “Ari’s shadow.” (pg. 341)
  7. Ari and Sasha always part ways at the Laundromat. (pg. 342)
  8. Janna pastes the article about Ari in her scrapbook and then above the article she writes “Proud Moment,” in black sharpie. (pg. 350)
  9. Instead of using animation or movie clips during her Tuesday presentation, Ari chooses to perform a melodrama. (pg. 356)
  10. Inside the box that Daniel gives Ari is a necklace with a silver, glittery snowflake hanging from it. (pg. 363)
  11. The objects that Ari will put in her scrapbook are: Nathalie and Miles; a penny; the ode to seat cushions; a pipe cleaner; the script from the Louisa May Alcott presentation; the Carter acceptance letter. (pg. 371)
  12. When Ari’s name is called at graduation it is announced that she is “the daughter of Nicholas and Georgia Hazard and Janna Delaney; sister of Gage Hazard.” (pg. 372)