Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin BN

Week 1: Early Life

Character Lexicon
  • passionate: showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief
  • imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness
  • curious: eager to know or learn something
  • diligent: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties
  • independent: free from outside control; not dependent on another’s authority
Comprehension Questions
  1. Fred Rogers was born on March 20th, 1928, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. (Pg 5)
  2. Without a brother or sister, Fred was always looking for ways to have fun by himself. (Pg 8)
  3. The one person Fred could always count on was his grandfather, Ding Dong. (Pg 15)
  4. The two interests that George Allen introduced Fred to were, photography and jazz. (Pg 18)
  5. Fred transferred to the music department at Rollins College. (Pg 25)
  6. Fred thought the first program he watched on television was terrible because it showed people throwing pies in each others faces and he thought it silly and a waste of time. (Pg 27)
  7. Instead of going to seminary Fred chose to find a job in the television business. (Pg 32)

Temple Grandin Research Answer Key

Week 1: Early Life

Character Lexicon
  • sensitive: quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals or influence
  • clever: quick to understand, learn and devise or apply ideas; intelligent
  • intelligent: having or showing the ability to acquire and apply knowledge or skill
  • unusual: not common; remarkable or interesting because different from others
  • furious: extremely angry; full of anger or energy
Comprehension Questions
  1. Temple was different from the other children at her school because she spoke in a flat tone of voice, she repeated the same questions over and over, and would have meltdowns when over stimulated. (Pg. 20-23)
  2. When Temple was a toddle she didn’t talk, instead she screamed, hummed, and made peeping sounds while flapping her hands. (Pg 9)
  3. Temple’s father thought that she belonged in a hospital for children with metal problems. (Pg 12)
  4. When Temple was three years old she caused an accident when she threw her straw hat out of the car window because it was prickly and painful to wear. (Pg 16-17)
  5. Temple compared the ringing of the school bell to a dentist drill hitting a nerve. (Pg 22)
  6. Temple used window blinds as a prank when she tied the cords of the blinds to a student’s desk so that when the desk was opened the blinds crashed down. (Pg 34)
  7. Temple was expelled from her school after she threw a book at a girl’s face because she called her a mean name. (Pg 35-36)

Week 2: Life’s Work

Character Lexicon
  • understanding: to be able to perceive the intended meaning of words; to perceive the
    significance, explanation, or cause of something
  • sensitive: quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals or influence
  • bold: showing an ability to take risks; to be confident and courageous
  • hardworking: to work with energy and commitment
  • logical: characterized by or capable of clear, sound reasoning
Comprehension Questions
  1. A boarding school is a school where the students live on campus during the school year. (Pg 38)
  2. Temple got off to a rocky start on the first night at her new school when a student cut into the food line, and she responded by hitting her. (Pg 40)
  3. Temple was able to ride Bay Lady when no other student could because she noticed and understood Bay Lady’s signals when she was afraid and made sure Bay Lady was never scared or nervous. (Pg 43)
  4. Temple finally stopped hitting people when she was punished for hitting by not being allowed to ride horses for a week. (Pg 45)
  5. Temple wore the same jacket every day because she didn’t like change. (Pg 48)
  6. Temple lives out west in Colorado because she loves wide open spaces. (Pg 52)
  7. Temple chose to make the welfare of livestock her life’s work. (Pg 66)
Week 3: Later Life and Legacy
Character Lexicon
  • curious: eager to know or learn something; strange, unusual
  • brave: ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage
  • anxious: experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or
    something with an uncertain outcome
  • forceful: to be strong or assertive, vigorous and powerful, especially in speech or an argument
  • devoted: very loving or loyal
Comprehension Questions
  1. Tiny bugs, called mites infested cattle and gave them scabies, which caused the cows to itch. (Pg 74)
  2. Farms across the country started hiring Temple because farmers noticed that cows were afraid of the dip pools and Temple designed one that ended cows fear of the pool. (Pg 76-77)
  3. Temple created her machine after observing that the dip pools were too steep and slippery for the cattle. She built a non-slip ramp in a shallow dip, which gradually steepened. (Pg 76-77)
  4. Temple taught herself social skills by forcing herself to do things that were uncomfortable to her. She shook people’s hands, made eye contact when talking to someone and memorized the words and actions of others. (Pg 87-88)
  5. Temple brought fast-food executives to meat plants to show them the cruelty and fear that these plants imposed on cattle being slaughtered in hopes they would make changes. (Pg 92)
  6. In 2010 a boy thanked Temple for showing him that his brain wasn’t broken, it was just different. (pg. 97)
  7. Temple divides her life between three things: working for food animals, speaking out for autistic people, and teaching animal behavior at Colorado State University. (Pg 100)