The Cay

IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.

Section 1: Chapters 1-4

  1. aft: at, near, or toward the stern of a ship
  2. escort: to accompany someone somewhere, especially for protection or security
  3. fore: situated or placed in front
  4. galleon: a sailing ship originally made as a war ship and later used for trade
  5. hatchet: a small axe with a short handle
  6. shell: the hard protective outer case of a mollusk or crustacean
  7. stern: the rear end of a boat
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. The seagull flew from the fore to the aft of the large ship.
  2. The security guard was chosen to escort the president due to his quick reflexes.
  3. The old wood of the mighty galleon creaked as it drifted through the water.
  4. A hatchet was the perfect tool to prepare kindling for the camp fire.
  5. Many shells of all different shapes and sizes were scattered across the beach.
Comprehension Questions
  1. The Germans attacked the Lago oil refinery in February of 1942. (pg. 1)
  2. Philip wants to see an enemy U-boat out at sea at Fort Amsterdam. (pg. 2)
  3. The native cargo schooners bring bananas, oranges, papayas, melons, and vegetables to Curacao. (pg. 3)
  4. The Queen Emma pontoon bridge is built on floats so it can swing open whenever ships pass in or out. (pg. 4)
  5. The governor of the Netherlands’ West Indies appeals to Washington for help. (pg. 6)
  6. Royal Dutch Shell borrowed Philip’s dad because he was an expert in refineries and gasoline production. (pg. 8-9)
  7. The people of Curacao get fresh water from the US and England in big tankers. (pg. 14)
  8. The Empire Tern sets sail for England to help refuel the Royal Air Force. (pg. 15-16)
  9. Philip told the boys he was going to visit his grandparents in Norfolk. (pg. 18)
  10. Philip is convinced his dad is worried when he inspects the life boats and the fire hoses. (pg. 19)
  11. On April 6, 1942, Philip’s ship was torpedoed. (pg. 21)
  12. The captain carried a navigation instrument called a sextant. (pg. 22)
  13. The first thing Philip hears when he wakes up on the raft is a voice saying, “young bahss, how are you feelin’?”. (pg. 23)
  14. Philip told Timothy he was twelve because he wanted him to stop treating him as though he were half that age. (pg. 35-36)

Section 2: Chapters 5-9

  1. coral: a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton
  2. douse: poor a liquid over, drench
  3. driftwood: pieces of wood which are floating on the sea or have been washed ashore
  4. grave: serious or solemn in manner or appearance
  5. lurch: make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements
  6. outrageous: shockingly bad or excessive
  7. scorn: to feel or express contempt or derision for
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. Color filled the warm ocean water as fish swam through to the lively coral reef.
  2. While walking across the shore, I stumbled upon many weathered pieces of driftwood.
  3. The soldiers had a grave conversation about the harsh realities of war.
  4. With it’s giant body, the dinosaur began to lurch through the forest in search of food.
  5. The amount of maple syrup John puts on his pancakes is simply outrageous!
Comprehension Questions
  1. Philip knows that timothy doused the torch because he heard it sizzle. (pg. 43-44)
  2. Philip wants Timothy to tell him what’s out there. (pg. 45)
  3. The name of the bird makes Philip laugh. (pg. 46)
  4. Timothy grabbed Philip by the hair with one hand, and with the other pulls him on the raft. (pg. 48)
  5. Philip asks Timothy not to forget Stew Cat. (pg. 52)
  6. Stew Cat brushes up against Phillip’s arm. (pg. 55)
  7. Philip makes Timothy promise to never leave him again. (pg. 55)
  8. Now that they were on shore, Philip began to think about what happened to his mother. (pg. 58)
  9. Philip trusted Timothy that his eyesight would return and that an aircraft would spot the fire pile. (pg. 58-59)
  10. It takes the whole of the afternoon to build the hut. (pg. 58-59)
  11. Philip refuses to talk to Timothy because he left him for such a long time. (pg. 61)
  12. Philip says to spell the word “help”. (pg. 63)
  13. Philip suddenly realizes Timothy can’t spell. (pg. 63)
  14. The rope would stretch all the way down to the beach and fire pile. (pg. 65)

Section 3: Chapters 10-15

  1. catchment: the action of collecting water, especially rainfall
  2. conniving: given to or involved in conspiring to do something immoral
  3. jumbi: an evil curse or aura
  4. langosta: a spiny lobster, especially used in French cuisine
  5. outrageous: shockingly bad or excessive
  6. squall: a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm
  7. tempest: a violent and windy storm
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. The conniving con man convinced everyone to give him their money.
  2. As we sat down for our meal, the scent of langosta wafted from the kitchen.
  3. The neon green paint job of the minivan was outrageous compared to the typical colors.
  4. While everyone was tucked away inside, a squall tore through the neighborhood.
  5. The quiet peace of the night was short lived as a tempest seemed to appear from nowhere.
Comprehension Questions
  1. Philip describes the water that drips into their mouths as sweet and fresh. (pg. 70)
  2. Timothy tells Philip he doesn’t like some white people. (pg. 71)
  3. Timothy said it wouldn’t be outrageous to dislike all white people. (pg. 71)
  4. Timothy told Philip his mother wouldn’t recognize him because he was very brown and lean. (pg. 74)
  5. Philip figures out the low coral reef is to the east because he felt the warmth of the sun rise in that direction. (pg. 77)
  6. Religion and doctors are mixed up in the practice of Voodoo. (pg. 78)
  7. Philip finds Timothy on the north side of the island. (pg. 79)
  8. Philip thinks about getting back on the raft and letting it drift to sea. (pg. 82)
  9. Philip steps on a stake. (pg. 83)
  10. Timothy carves a Stew Cat out of wood. (pg. 84)
  11. Philip covers Timothy with grape leaves to protect him from the sun. (pg. 88)
  12. Urchins can inflict terrible pain. (pg. 91)
  13. To prepare for the tempest, Timothy first lashes the water keg high on a palm trunk. (pg. 100)
  14. Philip felt a lizard lurking around his legs and feet. (pg. 104)

Section 4: Chapters 16-19

  1. accomplishment: something that has been achieved successfully
  2. bleat: the wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf
  3. drone: make a continuous low humming sound
  4. gangway: a raised platform or walkway providing passage
  5. lee: the sheltered side of something, away from the wind
  6. reckon: establish by counting or calculation
  7. severe: very great; intense
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. Completing the marathon was a great accomplishment for the sixty year old.
  2. A wailing bleat made it’s way from sheep pasture early in the morning.
  3. The classroom was so quiet, all you could hear was the electric drone of the lights.
  4. Sylvia was nervous to step foot onto the rickety old gangway but she needed to board the ship.
  5. The damage the hurricane did to the house was severe to say the least.
Comprehension Questions
  1. The first job Philip has after Timothy dies is to bury his body. (pg. 110)
  2. Philip realizes that Timothy made it possible for him to live through the storm. (pg. 110)
  3. Philip finds a coconut in the mass of sea grapes. (pg. 112)
  4. Timothy lashed a dozen fishing poles to a palm tree. (pg. 113)
  5. Philip figured out that without Timothy’s everything had to be very precise. (pg. 114)
  6. Washed up on the beach after the storm, Philip found several large cans, an old broom, a wooden crate, and a piece of canvas among other things. (pg. 114)
  7. The birds attack Philip because he accidentally stumbled into their resting ground. (pg. 116)
  8. Philip stabs a langosta with his sharp stick. (pg. 119)
  9. When Philip sticks his hand deep in the hole in the reed, he is bit by a moray eel. (pg. 120)
  10. When Philip realizes the plane has gone, he puts his head in his arms and sobs. (pg. 123)
  11. Philip uses sea grape to make black smoke. (pg. 124-125)
  12. The one thing Philip wants to take from the island is Timothy’s knife that is stuck in the palm tree. (pg. 130)
  13. When Philip tells the captain about Timothy, he tells him to get some sleep because the Hato was sunk back in April. (pg. 131)
  14. Philip hopes to one day charter a schooner to find the island where Timothy is buried. (pg. 134)