IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.
Section 1: Chapters 1-14
bilge: the bottom part of the hull of a ship
bludgeon: a heavy object used as a weapon
capricious: when one’s mood changes unexpectedly
dolt: a dumb or stupid person
impulsive: done without forethought
motley: variation in appearance
spire: a long tapering tower, usually the tower of a church
Comprehension Questions
Sophie has a dream that she is engulfed by a wall of water. pg. 2
According to her father, Sophie’s three sides are a dreamy and romantic side, a logical and down-to-earth side, and a hardheaded and impulsive side. pg. 3
Sophie doesn’t like the Ohio river because there are no waves or tides, and there is no sea-life. pg. 8
Sophie’s mom doesn’t take her to Connecticut because she imagines bad things happening on the ocean. pg. 10
Sophie likes the name of the boat because she can imagine herself wandering. pg. 11
Brian feels uneasy about the boat once it is in the water, and says it feels small. pg. 15
Uncle dock believes that the journey will take three to four weeks. pg. 20
Cody wants to slug Uncle Stew when he calls Sophie “the Orphan.” pg. 23
Sophie likes killing the fish to prove to her uncle that isn’t chicken. pg. 34
The other boats at Vineyard Haven are much cleaner, and more expensive looking than the Wanderer. pg. 40-41
Cody feels good about himself when he sees Sophie and Uncle Dock juggling because he successfully taught them. pg. 54
Section 2: Chapters 15-35
beauteous: beautiful
gallant: heroic of brave
gargantuan: extremely large
gimbal: a mechanism that keeps a compass level on a ship
languish: communication conveyed by speech or writing
motley: variation in appearance
phosphorescent: emitting light without heat
Comprehension Questions
Sophie realizes that if she were thrown into the ocean she would be in danger, while it saved the lobster. pg. 59
Cody thinks they keep stopping because there is something wrong with the boat that only uncle Dock knows. pg. 61
Cody does most of the cooking because he likes doing it more than anyone else. pg. 63
Sophie likes to write everything down to remember all the details in her life. pg. 64
Dock changed his name because his name used to be Jonah, and that name is bad luck for sailors. pg. 67
Cody finds a bead necklace and gives it to Sophie while the two are exploring the island. pg. 78
Sophie doesn’t like using the autohelm because she likes to be in control of the boat. pg. 106
Sophie thinks that the ocean is like her in that it has many sides. pg. 118
Bompie is always getting into trouble with water in Sophie’s stories. pg. 139
Sophie wishes she could get insurance that made her and everyone around her happy. pg. 144
Section 3: Chapters 36-60
funk: a sad or melancholy state
halyard: a rope on a ship that raises the sail
helm: the steering wheel of a ship
leer: to look at something or someone maliciously
oblivious: to be unaware of one’s surroundings
queasy: a nauseated feeling
succumb: to give in to some outside pressure
Comprehension Questions
Sophie says the waves are like walls of water. pg. 167
Brian calls Sophie selfish because she wants to do all the chores on the Wanderer. pg. 168
Sophie feels like a “stupid little sea flea” because she is avoiding Brian and he is avoiding her. pg. 169
Cody likes to stay on deck during storms because it helps him forget his fear. pg. 170
When the wave crashes on her head, Sophie hears a child’s voice yelling, “Mommy! Daddy!” pg. 183
Sophie can tell Uncle Mo is trying to be nicer to Cody because he is nor barking at him and he is not calling him “knucklehead doofus.” pg. 206
Everyone is afraid to sleep because they fear the wave will return. pg. 190
Cody asks Sophie for pie when he is recovering because Bompie always has pie when he survives something. pg. 191
Cody determines the boat’s position by spotting and contacting a Canadian Warship. pg. 200
Cody and Sophie both said “giddy-up, giddy-up!” to themselves when they were under the wave. pg. 209
Section 4: Chapters 61-78
careen: to move uncontrollably and quickly
flibbertigibbet: an excessively talkative person
gawk: to stare at something with an open or shocked expression
hallucinate: to experience something that doesn’t happen in reality
peculiar: unusual or odd
peer: to look at something intently
pining: to decline mentally because of sadness
Comprehension Questions
Uncle Mo and Uncle Stew are arguing about who will deal with the repairs for the Wanderer. pg. 218
Cody and Sophie are still writing in their journals because the journey isn’t over yet. pg. 220
Uncle Mo and Uncle Stew both end up driving to Bompies. pg. 225
Sophie feels “pushed and pulled” on the way to see Bompie because she is excited but also nervous to meet him. pg. 226
Cody knows about Sophie’s past because of the stories she told him. pg. 236
Bompie’s house is named “Walnut Tree Cottage.” pg. 241
They find Bompie’s house by knocking on a neighbor’s door and asking for directions. pg. 242
Sophie knows about about all of Bompie’s stories because of the letters he wrote her. pg. 250
Uncle Dock settles the argument by offering to stay in England to watch over Bompie. pg. 257
Uncle Mo brings drawings and sketches as gifts for everyone. pg. 258