Theodore Roosevelt

Week 1: Early Life

Character Lexicon
  • athletic: physically strong, fit, and active
  • charming: pleasant or attractive
  • thick-skinned: insensitive to criticism or insults
  • explorer: a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer
  • simple: easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty
Comprehension Questions
  1. Theodore Roosevelt was saved by his bulky, folded up speech and his steel glasses case when he was shot during a speech. (Pg 2)
  2. Some of Theodore’s nicknames were, Bull Moose, Teedie, TR, Teddy and the Trust Buster. (Pg 2)
  3. Eight hundred thousand people lived in New York City in 1858. (Pg 4)
  4. As a child Theodore struggled with asthma. (Pg 8)
  5. Theodore learned four languages as a child, German, Latin, Greek and French. (Pg 11)
  6. Theodore was known as a “reformer” when he entered politics as he sought to change government, society and rid politics of its crookedness. (Pg 20)
  7. On Valentine’s Day 1884, both his mother and wife died. (Pg 22)

Week 2: Life’s Work

Character Lexicon
  • competitive: having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others
  • admired: to regard an object, quality, or person with respect or warm approval
  • fearless: lacking fear
  • diplomatic: having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and effective way
  • fatherly: relating to, resembling, or characteristic of a father, especially in being protective and affectionate
Comprehension Questions
  1. The two important crops grown in Cuba during the late 1800s were sugar and tobacco. (Pg 38)
  2. When war broke out against Spain, Theodore quit his job in the Navy Department and volunteered to fight. (Pg 40)
  3. Theodore’s cavalry unit was known as the Rough Riders. (Pg 44)
  4. About twenty-three thousand men volunteered to fight alongside Roosevelt when war broke out. (Pg 44)
  5. When Theodore was Governor of New York he was known for the phrase, “ Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.” (Pg 47)
  6. When the coal miners went on strike he helped them by helping the sides come to agreement. He believed the miners should be treated fairly and be given a “square deal.” (Pg 56-57)
  7. In 1906 Theodore became the first president to win the Nobel Peace Prize. (Pg 64)

Week 3: Later Life and Legacy

Character Lexicon
  • heroic: having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave
  • progressive: of a group, person, or idea favoring or implementing social reform or new liberal ideas
  • determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
  • courageous: not deterred by danger or pain; brave
  • great: very large and imposing; having an ability, quality or eminence considerably above the average or normal
Comprehension Questions
  1. To protect wildlife in America Theodore Roosevelt had laws passed to keep businesses and industry out of Yellowstone and to prevent the pollution of streams and lakes that endangered animals. (Pg 73)
  2. Roosevelt supported William Howard Taft to become the president because he didn’t want to break the two-term tradition of the presidency. (Pg 82)
  3. After he left the presidential office, Theodore and his son Kermit left for an African safari. (Pg 83)
  4. After Roosevelt was denied the Republican nomination in 1912 he started the Bull Moose Party. (Pg 85-86)
  5. Roosevelt lost the 1912 election to Woodrow Wilson. (Pg 89)
  6. When Roosevelt volunteered to serve during World War I, he was denied because at times he suffered from Cuban fever and had high blood pressure. (Pg 94-95)
  7. During the war Quentin Roosevelt was killed just moments before his plane crashed. (Pg 96)