IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.
Section 1: Chapters 1–2
admonished: to warn or reprimand firmly; to warn of something to be avoided
petrified: to be so frightened that one is unable to move
queried: to ask a question, especially one addressed to an official or organization
refuge: something that provides shelter; an institution that provides safe accomodation
retort: to say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, witty manner
sentimental: prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia
Comprehension Questions
Janet was 11 years old when “it” happened (pg. 11)
When the children play out the Flight into Egypt, Henry says the children playing Egyptians have to sell things to the refugees (pg. 12)
When Joseph, Mary and the infant arrive in Egypt, Janet says the Egyptians should give them everything they need, bread, meat and diapers (pg. 14)
Henry won’t let Joseph work when he reaches Eygpt because there aren’t enough jobs to go around in the village (pg. 14)
Henry says Joseph is double-crossing the Egyptians because he is pretending to be poor when in fact he is rich (pg. 15)
Janet explains that Mary and Joseph lost all of their belongings because Mary had to hand their treasures over as payment for their journey (pg. 17)
When Sister Gabriel comes across the yard she is mad at the children because they are fighting each other (pg. 18)
The man Sister Gabriel introduces to the children asks the children if they would be willing to hide Jewish children whose parents have died (pg. 21)
When the young man takes Sister Gabriel’s hand he warns her that she can be shot for hiding the children (pg. 21)
Sister Gabriel says that from now on the slogan shall be, “We all eat, or nobody eats.” (Pg 25)
During dinner Henry asks Arthur to do a favor for him by finishing off his soup (pg. 25)
After fumbling in his pocket, Arthur hands Henry under the table a small piece of priceless chocolate (pg. 27)
Section 2: Chapter 3
Abrupt: sudden and unexpected; brief to the point of rudeness; steep
Acquainted: someone you are aware of, familiar with
Hoist: to raise or haul up by means of ropes and pulleys
Ration: a fixed amount of something, generally during a shortage or wartime
Reproachful: expressing disappointment or disapproval
Vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
Comprehension Questions
When the children go to lunch there is less food in their bowls because their food is being shared with the Jewish children who do not have ration cards (pg. 24)
According to Sister Gabriel the Jewish children can never ask for ration cards because if they do the Nazis will know where they are and have them killed (pg. 25)
After Henry has given Arthur his portion of food, Arthur gives Henry a small piece of chocolate (pg. 27)
Janet and Henry hide the chocolate under a rock beside the brook (pg. 30)
After they have hidden the chocolate Janet promises Henry that she will never come to the place where the chocolate is hidden with him (pg. 30)
Henry decides to let Arthur know where the chocolate is because it was his treasure first (pg. 31)
After looking into the safe Arthur’s face is all pinched as he announces that there is nothing there (pg. 32)
Henry tells Denise that if they rescue her she must return the treasure, the chocolate. (Pg 34)
Denise promises not to tell anyone about the cave they have discovered (pg. 36)
Henry, Janet and Arthur are very angry with Denise because she is unable to walk, which means Sister Gabriel will probably find out their secret (pg. 38)
Section 3: Chapter 4
Bawl: to call out noisily without restraint; to weep or cry noisily
Bellow – to emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger
Crook: the hooked staff of a shepherd; a person who is dishonest or a criminal
Deserted: a place that is empty of people
Fortnight: a period of two weeks
Placid: not easily upset or excited
Comprehension Questions
Sister Gabriel has to go into town to the post office to pick up letters and any food parcels that may have arrived (pg. 40)
Before she leaves to go to town Sister Gabriel leaves the children thirty slices of bread and thirty apples so that they can have a picnic (pg. 41)
While playing Flight into Egypt, Suzzane shrieks, “They’re coming,” because she sees Nazis coming along the road (pg. 44)
The Jewish children hide with Arthur in the cave that he, Henry and Janet had found (pg. 46
While the children are waiting for the Nazi soldiers to arrive Henry suggests the children play leapfrog (pg. 47)
When one of the Nazi soldiers caresses her cheek Denise abruptly sits on the ground and will not answer his question (pg. 48)
Henry is pushed out of the room by one of the soldiers because he won’t answer their questions about where the Jewish children are hiding (pg. 51)
The Nazi soldiers send the children to bed without any supper because they would not answer the soldiers questions and some began to cry (pg. 53)
Henry gets out of the coal shed that the Nazi’s locked him in by using his scout knife to cut out a small plank of wood from the door. Reaching through the hole he is able to unlock the door (pg. 54)
Janet and Philip bring two loaves of bread and four blankets to the children that are in hiding at the cave (pg. 57/58)
Arthur is near the entrance of the cave when Janet and Philip arrive because he has been keeping watch (pg. 58)
As Janet walks to the john a soldier accuses her of spying (pg. 61)
Section 4: Chapter 5
Automaton: a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being
Daze: to make someone unable to think or react properly; to bewilder; stupefy
Deliberate: fully considered, not impulsive; done consciously, intentionally
Impudent: not showing due respect for another person
Peer: to look keenly or with difficulty at someone or something
Sober: serious, sensible, solemn
Venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking
Comprehension Questions
The children start dancing on the bed and throwing pillows when they see the Nazis leaving on their bicycles (pg. 63)
Henry says that they cannot go to the cave and get the Jewish children because the Nazi leaving is a trick they will come back and watch what the children do (pg. 64)
The Nazis bring a box filled with chocolate, candy and oranges to tempt the children into telling where the caves were (pg. 66)
Before the soldier will give Louis the “pretty ball,” Louis has to tell if they have Jewish friends (pg. 67)
Louis name’s Henry, Janet and the other children in the room as the Jewish boys and girls (pg. 68)
The whole room bursts into laughter when Louis shouts that his name is Jesus (pg. 70
As the Nazi soldier leaves he advises Sister Gabriel give the children a taste of German discipline (pg. 71)
Sister Gabriel tells the children that the Nazis threw her in jail because she wouldn’t answer their questions (pg. 72)
Sister Gabriel wasn’t able to collect any food parcels from the post office and Janet says this is a heavy blow (pg. 75)
The sweet miracle that Louis finds under the desk is the box of chocolate, candy and oranges that the Nazis had forgotten to take with them when they left (pg. 76)