Week 1: Snowball , Lois Ehlert
- slush: partly melted snow
- bury: to put under the ground
- perfect: without any flaw
- shrink: to become smaller
- puddles: small pools of liquid
- On the warmest day, all the snow turned to slush.
- Rubber boots are perfect for jumping in puddles on rainy days.
- Squirrels often bury peanuts in our garden.
- The wool sweater will shrink if you put it in the dryer.
- Since today is sunny, it is a perfect day for a picnic.
- The birds are gathering seeds because the snow will soon fall.
- The narrator and his family had been saving objects in a sack for a big snow.
- First they made a snow dad and a snow mom.
- Next, they made a snow boy, a snow girl, and a snow baby.
- Last, they made a snow cat, and a snow dog.
- When the sun came out, the snow family melted.
- Snow is a frozen solid form of water.
- The three forms of water are gas, liquid, and a solid.
- When water from rivers, lakes, streams and the sea evaporates it goes into the atmosphere.
- When water vapor clings to bits of dust and salt in the air it gradually forms a cloud.
- When the temperature in the cloud is cold enough it freezes into ice crystals and snowflakes will fall.
- If the air below the cloud is warm, snowflakes melt and fall as rain.
Week 2: Brave Irene, William Steig
- duchess : the wife of a duke
- brave: ready to face danger
- pounce: to jump on
- splendid: magnificent
- furrows: grooves in the ground
- The farmer used a large plow to make furrows in his field.
- Mark was brave when he rode the roller coaster for the first time.
- My cat likes to pounce on the fake mouse toy.
- The duchess had many grand parties in her palace.
- Last night the sunset was a splendid sight to behold.
- Irene’s mother could not bring the dress to the duchess because she was sick.
- Because the palace was far away and it was starting to snow, Irene’s mother did not want her to deliver the package.
- Eventually, Irene’s mother let Irene deliver the dress.
- Before leaving, Irene tucked her mother snuggly into bed and kissed her forehead six times.
- By the time Irene reached the sheep pasture, the snow was up to her ankles and the wind was blowing strong.
- Irene kept going, despite the storm, because she was on an important errand.
- The wind wanted Irene to go home!
- When the wind snatched the box from Irene, she went after it.
- Irene cried because her mother had worked hard for so many days on the dress.
- Sadly, Irene fell into a hole and fell over with a twisted ankle.
- As night fell, Irene realized that she was lost, but she kept on moving.
- When Irene remembered her good mother, she set the box on the snow and used it as a sled.
- To her surprise, Irene found the dress right in front of the palace, and gave it to the Duchess.
Week 3: The Mitten, Alvin Tresselt
- generous: giving or sharing
- scurry: to move quickly
- manners: polite behavior
- nervous: feeling worried or uneasy
- perch: to sit on the edge of something
- The squirrels scurry across the road every time a car comes by.
- Please use good manners when visiting Grandmother.
- Alex was nervous about his big spelling test.
- The parrot likes to perch on the pirate’s shoulder.
- Jen is generous when she shares candy with her friends.
- On the coldest day of winter, the little boy gathered firewood.
- When the boy’s grandmother told him to gather as much firewood as possible, she was knitting mittens.
- The boy dropped his mitten when he picked up the last stick of firewood.
- As the boy made his way home, the mitten was left lying on a snowdrift.
- The mitten was just the right size for the tiny mouse.
- The mouse encouraged the frog to enter the mitten so he hopped in.
- The mouse told the owl he could enter the mitten if he would mind his manners.
- When the fox trotted up to the mitten, mouse thought she had been too generous.
- When the big gray wolf squeezed into the mitten, it was very crowded.
- The boar was anxious to get in out of the wind.
- The bear rudely pushed his way into the mitten and caused one of the seams to pop.
- While trying to squeeze into the mitten, the little black cricket caused the mitten to split, sending all the animals into the snow.
- When the little boy noticed what had happened to his lost mitten, he did not mind because his grandmother made him new mittens.
Week 4: A New Coat for Anna, Harriet Ziefert
- nearby: not far away
- shear: to cut wool off a sheep
- untangle: to make straight
- dye: a material used to color fabric
- ripe: ready to eat
- Elliot sank his teeth into the juicy, ripe peach.
- We will use beets and onionskin to dye the yarn.
- It will take hours to untangle the child’s knotted hair.
- There is a market nearby where we shop for groceries.
- After we shear our sheep, we will spin the wool into yarn.
- When the war ended the stores remained empty, food and money were scarce, and there was no coat for Anna.
- Anna’s mother decided to trade with people to get a new coat for her daughter.
- The first thing that Anna’s mother needed for the coat was wool..
- On Sunday’s, Anna and her mother visited the sheep.
- In the spring, Anna’s mother traded a gold watch for a bag of wool.
- An old woman agreed to spin the wool into yarn in exchange for a lamp.
- Anna’s mother dyed the yarn a deep red using lingonberries.
- Anna’s mother exchanged a garnet necklace with the weaver for weaving the yarn into cloth.
- Anna’s mother made an agreement to trade a porcelain teapot with the tailor for Anna’s coat, so the tailor took Anna’s measurements.
- The tailor was so proud of Anna’s new coat, that he hung it in the window for everyone to see.
- On the way home Anna looked at her reflection in every window.
- Anna’s mother baked a special cake and celebrated Christmas with everyone who helped to make the coat for Anna.
Week 5: Snow, Uri Shulevitz
- nothing: not anything
- melt: to become liquid
- beard: hair on the face of a man
- umbrella: something that protects from the rain
- twirl: to spin quickly
- Carl was afraid that his snowman would melt because the sun was coming out.
- Santa Claus has a long, white beard.
- Joan’s hair was soaked from the rain because she forgot her umbrella.
- The little ballerina likes to twirl everywhere she goes.
- After eating all her candy, Julie was left with nothing.
- The skies above the rooftops in the city are gray.
- At first there is only one snowflake in the sky.
- The boy noticed the snowflake and told his dog.
- The boy’s grandfather did not agree.
- When the boy saw two snowflakes, he told his dog, “It’s snowing.”
- The man with the hat thought two snowflakes was nothing.
- When the boy saw three snowflakes he said, “It’s snowing.”
- The woman with the umbrella in her hand believed the snow would melt.
- Even though one snowflake melts, another takes its place.
- The radio and television reported there would be no snow.
- As the snowflakes keep falling, soon the whole city is white.