What is meant by Core & Application?
Our English Language Arts program is built around a simple structure of Core and Application materials. When it comes to literacy, integrating the act of reading and the art of writing gets students thinking independently. Our unique scaffolding supports students as they gather information from books, both fiction and non-fiction, and challenges them to respond with original, authentic ideas. Our longitudinal Discovery MethodTM motivates students to work through the processes of writing: brainstorming, drafting, re-reading, editing, conferencing, and polishing of the final work. While engaging in our Discovery Method, students will gain, and put into practice, skills that will make their ideas shine.
Both our CORE + APPLICATION materials provide opportunities for students to:
1. Read to discover
2. Write to catalog thoughts and insights
3. Think to spark curiosity, ideas, and imagination
Our Core offering is literature based, but is much more than just a literature program. Core is an integrated literature & writing program that uses great writing to model, inspire, and springboard students into becoming great readers, writers, and thinkers.
Our Application offerings provide focused opportunities to develop the specific tools and skills needed for successful writing—vocabulary development, sentence construction, parts of speech, punctuation, rhetorical device, etc. These skills are explored alongside the specific domains of writing—narrative, persuasive, descriptive, imaginative—within various forms—paragraphs, micro stories, research, essays, poems.
While interleaved instruction is used throughout our materials, our Application offerings fall into two broad categories:
• Application 1: Grammar, Mechanics, Style
• Application 2: Research, Composition, Creative Writing
When applied over time, our Core & Application materials lay solid foundations and build strong students that not only have the ability to read well, write well, and think well, but also have the desire to do so.