IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.
Section 1: Chapters 1-3
ordinary: common or plain
venture: a risky task
gleam: to shine
edible: able to be eaten
dwindle: to decrease little by little
curiosity: eagerness to know about something
Vocabulary Sentences
I want you to polish the table until you make the surface gleam.
Maria did not want an ordinary dress for the party; she wanted a fancy one.
If you do not buy more rabbit food, the supply will slowly dwindle.
The brave explorers must venture into the dark forest to begin their quest.
Many things that are edible do not taste very good.
Due to his curiosity, Frank liked to ask many questions.
Comprehension Questions
Wolfgang’s mother wants to give him an important-sounding name to make up for his small size. (pg. 1)
Wolfgang feels unhappy when his brothers and sisters are playing because they tease him and make up a rhyme about him being small. (pg. 10)
Wolfgang’s mother believes he is going to grow up to be an important mouse. (pg. 11)
Wolfgang keeps returning home because he feels safer with his mother. (pg. 15)
Wolfgang likes the evening recital best because he is rested and awake. (pg. 16)
Wolfgang’s mother becomes annoyed with him because he wants to sing. (pg. 17)
Wolfgang’s singing arouses the cat to walk toward the living room. (pg. 21)
Section 2: Chapters 4-6
nuzzle: to rub with the nose
obvious: easily seen or understood
taut: pulled tight
widow: a woman whose husband had died
composer: a person who writes music
encounter: to meet somebody unexpectedly
Vocabulary Sentences
It was obvious from the mess that he hadn’t cleaned his room yet.
The puppy liked to nuzzle people with its wet nose to show that it liked them.
The choir director at our church recently became a widow after her husband died.
The kite string was so taut we thought it might break at any moment.
The close encounter with the bat made everyone scream.
The composer wanted to write music that would make people get up and dance.
Comprehension Questions
Wolfgang’s mother senses the cat is ready to pounce on them. (pg. 23)
Wolfgang and his mother escape by jumping inside the body of the piano. (pg. 23)
They are rescued when the lady of the house opens the piano to hear the singing mouse. (pg. 30)
Mrs. Honeybee loves all animals and doesn’t even like to kill a wasp or fly. (pg. 34)
Mrs. Honeybee’s favorite classical composers are Brahms, Beethoven, and Mozart. (pg. 35)
Mrs. Honeybee and Wolfgang’s mother are both widows. (pg. 39)
Mrs. Honeybee offers Wolfgang a chocolate treat to show him that she is not a threat. (pg. 47)
Section 3: Chapters 7-9
coward: someone easily frightened
deceive: to hide the truth
discordant: music that sounds unpleasant
mingle: to mix together
scheme: a plan of action
umbrage: offense or resentment
Vocabulary Sentences
The out-of-tune guitar was so discordant I had to cover my ears.
Everybody used to think Brad was a coward until they saw him jump off of the high dive platform into the pool.
Brenda tried to deceive him by telling a lie about what really happened.
The robber had a scheme to break out of jail, but he was caught as soon as he tried to escape.
The hostess of the party loved to mingle with her guests in order to get to know them all better.
My grandmother took umbrage at the fact that I wiped my check off after she kissed it.
Comprehension Questions
Mrs. Honeybee plays the song, “You’re the Top,” while Wolfgang stands over middle C. (pg. 53)
Mrs. Honeybee withholds Wolfgang’s treat because she wants him to sing first. (pg. 56)
Wolfgang challenges his mother to go with him on top of the piano when he sings for Mrs. Honeybee. (pg. 59)
Wolfgang decides to look around the house for Mrs. Honeybee when she does not show up to accompany him on the piano. (pg. 66)
Wolfgang encounters the cat when he walks into the kitchen. (pg. 66)
Mrs. Honeybee doesn’t show up to play the piano because she fell and broke her ankle. (pg. 70)
Wolfgang sings the word “help” to attract the policeman’s attention. (pg. 74)
Section 4: Chapters 10-11
inspire: to influence or motivate
precocious: very advanced or mature
ration: a fixed amount
senile: a decline due to old age
instinct: a strong natural urge
pity: feeling sad for someone or something
Vocabulary Sentences
Everyone said Emily was precocious when she started doing algebra at her fifth birthday party.
The girl felt pity over the wounded baby bird.
Birds fly south for the winter because it is their instinct to survive.
The hikers ate a small ration of their food each day to make sure it would last for the entire trip.
Old Mrs. Smith told such silly jokes that everyone thought she was senile, when actually, she was just a bad joke teller.
Reading stories about knights and dragons would inspire him to become a brave soldier.
Comprehension Questions
Wolfgang tries to compose his own music while Mrs. Honeybee is in the hospital. (pg. 81-82)
Mary is captivated by Wolfgang’s first composition because of its lightness, airiness, and joyfulness. (pg. 85)
Wolfgang names his first composition “Swallow Sonata.” (pg. 85)
The first thing Mrs. Honeybee does when she arrives home is to tap on the piano keys. (pg. 87)
Wolfgang helps Mrs. Honeybee fall asleep by softly singing the Chopin lullaby. (pg. 91)
Mrs. Honeybee believes Wolfgang has composed an opus and she wants him to teach it to her. (pg. 94-95)
Mrs. Honeybee names him Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart just like the composer, because he also composed music at a young age. (pg. 95)