IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.
Section 1:Chapters 1-3
solution: an answer to a problem
collection: a gathering of objects
nutrition: nourishment received from food
dictionary: a book that gives words their meanings
squabble: a noisy argument
dilemma: a difficult choice
Vocabulary Sentences
The student used the class dictionary to complete his vocabulary homework.
It is important to practice good nutrition to have a healthy body.
Jody faced a dilemma when she had to choose between two types of ice cream.
My father has a large collection of antique model trains.
The teacher had to break up the squabble between two students on the playground.
Finding the right solution to a difficult math problem can take time.
Comprehension Questions
Donavan collects words in a jar. (pg. 6)
Donavan is inspired to begin his collection when he sees a new word on a cereal box. (pg. 7)
Donavan discovers the word “ballyhoo” on his way to school. (pg. 9)
Donavan likes the word “hush” because it soothes his fears. (pg. 13)
Donavan’s favorite way of collecting words is from people. (pg. 14)
Donavan’s dilemma is that his collection is too large for his jar. (pg. 15)
Mrs. Panky suggests that Donavan start his own dictionary. (pg. 19)
Section 2: Chapters 4-5
rhythm: a repeated pattern of sound
splatter: to splash something
squint: to half close the eyes to see better
snuffles: a stuffy nose from a cold
hesitant: reluctant to do or say something
canvas: a stiff, strong cloth
Vocabulary Sentences
Sara loves to splatter bright color onto her canvas when she paints.
The small boy was hesitant to pet the large dog.
The sun was so bright that Joe had to squint as he watched the baseball game.
The sailor’s duffle bag was made out of white canvas.
The drummer made sure that the band’s rhythm was steady.
Even though Amy had the snuffles, she still sang in the performance.
Comprehension Questions
Donavan sees lots of umbrellas when he looks out of his window. (pg. 26)
Donavan wants to visit his grandma. (pg. 27)
Donavan does not want to stay at home because he really wants to see his grandmother. (pg. 28)
Mom needs to take a copy of Dad’s business card to the printer. (pg. 29)
Nikki is sitting in the middle of her bed with a box of tissues in her lap, with her stuffed animals, games, books, and toys all around her. (pg. 31)
Nikki wants to look at Donavan’s word collection because they might make her feel better. (pg. 33)