

IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.

Section 1: Chapters 1-4

  1. acquire: to come to own something; to gain a new skill, ability, etc., usually by your own effort
  2. encyclopedia: a reference work such as a book, series of books, Web site, or CD-ROM, that contains information about many different subjects or a lot of information about a particular subject
  3. hula: a sinuous Polynesian dance characterized by rhythmic movement of the hips and mimetic gestures with the hands and often accompanied by chants and rhythmic drumming
  4. monopoly: complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market; complete ownership or control of something
  5. origins: the point or place where something begins or is created; the source or cause of something
  6. profound: having or showing great knowledge or understanding; requiring deep thought or wisdom
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. Joey decided to use the encyclopedia to begin his research on the solar system.
  2. Lola was thrilled to take hula lessons while visiting Hawaii last summer.
  3. Greg is able to acquire valuable outdoor survival skills by becoming a Boy Scout.
  4. Selena’s teacher complimented her profound story of how she stood up to a bully.
  5. When the two tech businesses merged, people were concerned about them becoming a monopoly.
Comprehension Questions
  1. Nick Allen decides to turn Miss Deaver’s room into a tropical island. (pg. 1)
  2. Miss Deaver says the idea is cute, colorful, and creative. (pg. 2)
  3. Nick learns that Red-Wing Blackbirds give a high-pitched chirp when danger is near. (pg. 3)
  4. The kids think that Mrs. Granger has X-ray vision. (pg. 7)
  5. Mrs. Granger keeps thirty dictionaries in her room. (pg. 10)
  6. Mrs. Granger’s battle cry is “Look it up! That’s why we have the dictionary.” (pg. 10)
  7. Nick Allen asks a question three minutes before the bell rings. (pg. 14)
  8. The goal of the trick is to sidetrack the teacher and get homework delayed or canceled. (pg. 14)
  9. The rule at Nick’s house is Homework First. (pg. 17)
  10. The biggest change for Nick in fifth grade is that schoolwork is now spilling over into his free time. (pg. 19)
  11. Nick compares reading the first sentence to trying to read the ingredients on a shampoo bottle. (pg. 20)
  12. After reading all the boring stuff, Nick decides to turn his report into something special. (pg. 21)

Section 2: Chapters 5-8

  1. applause: approval publicly expressed as by clapping the hands
  2. cassette: a thin case that holds audio tape or videotape and in which the tape passes from one reel to another when being played
  3. detention: a punishment in which a student is required to stay at school after the rest of the students have left
  4. linoleum: a type of material that is produced in thin sheets, has a shiny surface, and is used to cover floors and counters
  5. maroon: a dark red color
  6. oath: a formal and serious promise to tell the truth or to do something
  7. sidetrack: to cause someone to talk about or do something different and less important; to change the direction or use of something
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. Ginger had no idea what her mother meant when she talked about listening to music on cassette tapes when she was a young girl.
  2. Leland received detention after talking disrespectfully to his teacher.
  3. The linoleum floor in the bathroom needs to be replaced soon.
  4. The young singer received many applause for her very first solo performance in the school play.
  5. The two friends swore an oath that they would be friends forever.
Comprehension Questions
  1. Nick forgets to give his report a title. (pg. 24)
  2. The kids are yawning and putting their heads down on their desks while Nick gives his report. (pg. 25)
  3. Mrs. Granger looks at her watch to let Nick know he is using up a lot of time. (pg. 26)
  4. The kids think the report was the greatest time-waster Nick had ever invented. (pg. 28)
  5. Mrs. Granger jammed the whole day’s work into the last eight minutes of school. (pg.31)
  6. The third thing that happens to Nick after he picks up the pen is that he invents the word “frindle.” (pg. 35)
  7. Nick starts the plan by going into the Penny Pantry store and asking for a “frindle” while pointing to a pen. (pg. 37)
  8. Mrs. Granger is furious and says that everyone must use the word “pen” or stay after school to write one hundred sentences. (pg. 43)
  9. Students who use the word “frindle” have to write, “I am writing this punishment with a pen.”
  10. Mrs. Granger asks Nick to sign his name and write the date on the back of the white envelope. (pg. 45-47)
  11. Pete has an idea that all the fifth graders should ask Mrs. Granger to borrow a “frindle.” (pg. 47)
  12. The principal of Lincoln Elementary School visits Mr. and Mrs. Allen. (pg. 48)

Section 3: Chapters 9-12

  1. disrespectful: showing a lack of respect or courtesy; impolite
  2. mastermind: a person who supplies the directing or creative intelligence for a project
  3. opinion: a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something
  4. pursed: to form your lips into a tight circle or line
  5. rebellion: open opposition toward a person or group in authority; refusal to obey rules or accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc.
  6. trademark: a distinguishing characteristic or feature firmly associated with a person or thing
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. Omar realized he needed to stop using disrespectful language if he wanted his parents to listen to his frustrations.
  2. Jessica appreciated her parents asking her opinion about activities she would like to do while on vacation next summer.
  3. Lucas enjoyed learning about the Lego mastermind Ole Kirk Christiansen.
  4. The Chinese railroad workers started a rebellion when they stopped working and demanded fair pay.
  5. Iris pursed her lips while taking the difficult math exam.
Comprehension Questions
  1. Nick thinks Mrs. Chatham would play linebacker on a football team. (pg. 49)
  2. Mrs. Allen looks annoyed while Mrs. Chatham tells the story. (pg. 52)
  3. Nick found the word “ain’t” in Mrs. Granger’s big dictionary. (pg. 53)
  4. Nick’s sudden vision is that a chess game is taking place between him and Mrs. Granger. (pg. 54)
  5. Nick’s defender is his mother and he describes her as the white queen. (pg. 54)
  6. Judy Morgan takes a photo of Mrs. Granger’s notice about the punishment for using the word “frindle.” (pg. 58)
  7. The principal says that Mrs. Granger might have overreacted about the kids using the word “frindle.” (pg. 60)
  8. Nick Allen has written the punishment sentence six hundred times. (pg. 63)
  9. The sentence that everybody reacts with after the article is published is “What is the meaning of this?!” (pg. 68)
  10. Nick feels shy and awkward when everybody starts to notice him around town. (pg. 70)
  11. Mrs. Granger says the dictionary is the finest tool around for educating young minds. (pg. 74)
  12. The word “quiz” was invented by one person for no apparent reason. (pg. 77)
  13. Bud’s lawyer is afraid of a big lawsuit if they don’t offer a deal to Mr. Allen. (pg. 78)
  14. Bud Lawrence is offering Nick Allen thirty percent of the profits. (pg. 82)

Section 4: Chapters 13-15

  1. celebrity: a famous or celebrated person
  2. curiosity: the desire to learn or know more about something or someone; something that is interesting because it is unusual
  3. embarrassed: to make someone feel confused and foolish in front of other people
  4. habit: a usual way of behaving; something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way
  5. rascal: a person and especially a young person who causes trouble or does things that annoy people
  6. superintendent: a person who directs or manages a place, department, organization, etc.
Vocabulary Sentences
  1. The celebrity took pictures with some fans before leaving the restaurant.
  2. Maggie doesn’t know how long she has battled the habit of biting her nails.
  3. Xander knew he was being a rascal by tapping his pencil on his desk during the history test.
  4. Isabel felt embarrassed when she realized she was wearing her shirt inside out.
  5. The superintendent of the elementary school praised the teachers for their dedication to helping every child learn to read.
Comprehension Questions
  1. Bud Lawrence is very happy because brindle-mania is happening in hundreds of towns. (pg. 85)
  2. Bud’s factory in Westfield produces frindle baseball caps. (pg. 85)
  3. Every fifth grader gets the word “pen”wrong on their weekly spelling test, because they write “frindle” instead. (pg. 87)
  4. Nick’s new idea is to have all the kids bring their own lunches so that the school cooks will make better food. (pg. 89)
  5. Nick keeps his new idea to himself. (pg. 89)
  6. Nick is quiet all the time and doesn’t joke or laugh in Mrs. Granger’s class anymore. (pg. 90)
  7. The two things that help Nick make a complete recovery are the little talk he had with Mrs. Granger and summer vacation. (pg. 93)
  8. The word “frindle” is being used more often and is becoming a real word. (pg. 94)
  9. When Nick turns 21, he receives the frindle trust fund money and becomes very rich. (pg. 95)
  10. Nick buys himself a new computer, ten new games, and a mountain bike. (pg. 96)
  11. Mrs. Granger sends the letter to Nick after the word “frindle” is added to the dictionary. (pg. 98)
  12. Mrs. Granger chooses to play the villain in the drama. (pg. 99)
  13. The letter from the superintendent says that a trust fund for college scholarships has been set up for one million dollars.
Nick sends Mrs. Granger a gold fountain pen. (pg. 104)