IMPORTANT: Comprehension questions will be in chronological order as you read through the story. Page numbers are approximate, and will vary with different editions of the book.
Section 1: Chapters 1-2
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences Found in Book
astonish: to cause a feeling of great wonder or surprise;
They were so astonished that they couldn’t speak for a few seconds. (Pg 23)
indignant: feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong;
I am not a friendly old tramp, said Armand indignantly. (Pg 18)
loiter: to remain in an area when you do not have a particular reason to be there;
In the green park behind the flying buttresses, some street urchins were loitering. (Pg 5)
maneuver: a clever or skillful action or movement;
The hobo quickly maneuvered his buggy between himself and the dog. (Pg 11)
rogue: one who is dishonest or immoral; one who causes trouble in a playful way;
He grinned like one of the roguish gargoyles on the cathedral. (Pg 7)
swagger: to walk in a very confident way;
The boy swaggered a little. (Pg 13)
twitter: to talk in a quick and informal way about unimportant things;
… “Witless, twittering, little pests.” (Pg 5)
Vocabulary Example Sentences
Gary was indignant when his younger sister laughed after she broke his favorite Lego model.
The vivid colors of the rainbow against the bright blue sky did astonish our eyes.
Jan will swagger all the way home to show her parents her perfect math test score.
Grandma Louise enjoyed listening to her granddaughter twitter when she came to visit her on Saturdays.
It takes much focus and caution to maneuver a baby stroller through a crowded street.
Comprehension Questions
Armand doesn’t worry about rent or burglars because he pushes all his belongings around in a baby buggy. (pg. 1)
Armand will take up residence under the bridge for the winter. (pg. 4)
Armand thinks children are witless, twittering little pests. (pg. 5)
Armand does not eat dinner, but sits near the restaurant to smell the steak and potatoes. (pg. 8)
Armand is shocked to find children three sitting at his niche under the bridge. (pg. 10)
The older girl says they can’t be taken away because families have to stick together. (pg. 10)
Suzy apologizes and says Armand can live with them. (pg. 14)
Armand says he hopes to never be a millionaire or a grandfather. (pg. 14)
Armand says that he is a mean, cranky old tramp, and he hates children, dogs, and women. (pg. 18)
The children can’t go to school until they have a place to live or they might be taken away from their mother. (pg. 20)
Suzy wants to be a teacher when she grows up. (pg. 21)
Suzy is sure that Armand will take her and the children with him because she says he has a good heart even if he looks bad. (pg. 22)
Section 2: Chapters 3-4
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences Found in Book
blithe: showing a lack of proper thought or care;
At sight of Armand, the angry lines left the forehead of Father Christmas and blithely curled around his lips. (Pg 31)
coax: to influence or persuade to do something by talking in a gentle and friendly way;
Armand was continually having to turn around and coax the children along. (Pg 27)
forlorn: sad and lonely; not having much chance of success; nearly hopeless;
He wanted to cheer them because they were so silent and forlorn. (Pg 36)
frantic: wild with fear, anxiety, or emotion;
They were buying frantically and noisily, as if they might never again find anything for sale on the Rue de Rivoli. (Pg 27)
haughty: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think they are better, smarter, or more important than other people;
Aren’t you in the wrong store?, he asked haughtily. (Pg 35)
reverent: showing great respect for;
On tiptoe, reverently, they followed the old hobo to the studio where a child could have his picture taken with the saint (Pg 30)
tantalize: to cause someone to feel interest or excitement about something that is very attractive, appealing, etc.;
The air was warm around the brazier and the smell of chestnuts was tantalizing. (Pg 28)
Vocabulary Example Sentences
The mother did coax her curious toddler away from the fireplace by inviting him to look at a book with her.
Michael was forlorn when his father was unable to take him on the backpacking trip.
Anne was blithe about brushing her teeth every single day.
Josh gave a haughty smile when he got the highest spelling grade in his class.
Sage was tantalized by the idea of only doing math homework four days a week.
Comprehension Questions
Armand says that City Hall is where they run Paris and he says he can run it better from under the bridge. (pg. 25)
Rue de Rivoli is crowded with holiday shoppers. (pg. 25)
Armand coaxes the children away from the Christmas food by telling them it tastes like medicine. (pg. 28-29)
Evelyne confesses to Father Christmas that she pulled Jojo’s tail. (pg. 32)
Suzy asks Father Christmas to bring them a real house. (pg. 33)
Evelyne wants windows so she can see when Paul and Suzy come home from school. (pg. 33)
Father Christmas offers Armand a job as a night watchman. (pg. 34)
People give generously when Armand begs because they feel the spirit of Christmas. (pg. 40)
Armand treats the children to pancakes. (pg. 40)
The ragged man with the monkey is angry because he says that Armand is begging in his territory and stealing his show. (pg. 42)
Madame Calcet is angry with Armand for turning her children into beggars. (pg. 46)
Madame Calcet forbids the children from having anything to do with Armand. (pg. 46)
When Armand leaves the Calcets, Evelyne calls him their grandpa. (pg. 47)
Section 3: Chapters 5-6
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences Found in Book
crag: a steep rugged rock or cliff; a sharp detached fragment of rock;
Above it rose the crags of buildings which were slowly being torn down, floor by floor. (Pg 60)
courteous: very polite in a way that shows respect;
The gypsies received her courteously, and Mireli even offered to tell her fortune, although Madame Calcet refused. (Pg 72)
dilapidated: in very bad condition because of age or lack of care;
They passed the doorways of dilapidated rooming houses. (Pg 59)
fret: to become vexed or worried;
He tried to pretend to himself that he was fretting about something else. (Pg 50)
mischievous: causing or tending to cause annoyance, minor harm or damage;
She mischievously batted her eyelashes at Suzy. (Pg 76)
moor: to secure a boat with a cable or rope to the shore or to an anchor;
But the Paris fireboats were moored along the quay. (Pg 48)
queer: differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal;
Looking up at the high window across the street, they saw a queer old lady hanging out her washing on lines stretched across the window. (Pg 60)
Vocabulary Example Sentences
Sam was mischievous when he hid behind the door and then jumped out to scare his older sister.
Isaiah was courteous when he offered to hold the door open so his family could walk into the restaurant first.
Maggie thought it was queer for her mother to sleep in so late on a Monday morning.
The dilapidated old house needed a new roof and new windows before the family could move in.
Jane decided not to fret over all the homework assignments she needed to complete for the week.
Comprehension Questions
Armand jumps up and down with excitement when the fisherman finds the mate to the shoe in his buggy. (pg. 50)
Armand doesn’t sleep well because he wonders if the children are safe and warm. (pg. 50)
The children are crying because two women said they are going to find someone to take them away and put their mother in jail. (pg. 52)
The children quicken their steps because they hear the word “food” and they are hungry. (pg. 55)
The outlandish hat means that the man is strong and can carry four hundred and forty pounds at once. (pg. 56)
The Court of Miracles is where fake beggars took off their bandages and crutches and feasted together. (pg. 59)
The gypsy girl says that Evelyne has sad clothes and happy hair. (pg. 63)
Suzy decides to ask Father Christmas for a house on wheels. (pg. 64)
Tinka tells Suzy that gypsies stick together just like families do. (pg. 68)
Madame Calcet thinks the pigeon stew is very good. (pg. 72)
Suzy learns that Tinka is always on vacation and doesn’t go to school. (pg. 74)
Suzy teaches Tinka the alphabet and Tinka teaches Suzy gypsy writing. (pg. 74-77)
Section 4: Chapters 7-9
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences Found in Book
chagrin: a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or disappointment;
Tinka looked at her with chagrin. (Pg 90)
envious: feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has;
There are rich people in beautiful clothes sitting at white tables up there, she said enviously. (Pg 83)
indignant: feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong;
Armand was indignant. (Pg 103)
pedestrian: relating to or designed for people who are walking;
Nikki raced down the narrow streets and shouted insults at the pedestrians. (Pg 82)
plight: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation;
The plight of this family. (Pg 88)
solemn: very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression;
I gave Father Christmas my solemn promise that I would keep it a secret. (Pg 86)
wrath: extreme anger;
But Suzy only pointed wrathfully across the courtyard. (Pg 92)
Vocabulary Example Sentences
Olivia felt envious when she saw her brother’s brand new bike.
Imagine my chagrin when I got to Disneyland and realized I had forgotten my wallet at home.
The pedestrian was careful to look both ways before crossing the street.
Abby was solemn after finding out that she had to move out of state, far from her friends and family.
Daniel locked himself in his room to escape his sister’s wrath, after she found out he had lost her doll.
Comprehension Questions
Armand distracts the children by asking if they want to go to a Christmas Eve party. (pg. 79-80)
Madame Calcet insists on going to the midnight mass at the quay. (pg. 87)
Nikki cuts down the Christmas tree from the Jardin des Plantes. (pg. 89)
Armand enjoys the companionship in the gypsy camp. (pg. 91)
Suzy is worried that Paul enjoys being with the gypsies and doesn’t want to be part of the family anymore. (pg. 91-92)
Armand says if God didn’t make Paul a gypsy, and that Paul shouldn’t be a gypsy when he has a smart sister like Suzy to teach him things. (p. 92-93)
Suzy thinks that Paul left with the gypsies. (pg. 101)
Paul went to Halles and tried to get a job. (pg. 103)
Armand says he will get a job to help the Calcets to have a place to live. (p. 106)
Madame Calcet helps Armand to take a bath so he can look respectable. (pg. 108-109)
Armand discovers a job of being a building caretaker to pass out keys, deliver mail and take out the trash every day. (pg. 119)
Armand raises his head and straightens his shoulders because he is not a hobo anymore, but a working man of Paris. (pg. 123)