Writing is an art form.
Writing is an art form achieved via a series of steps:
Children have enormous creative potential.
This potential will flourish and they they will thrive as writers when they are inspired to revel in the important work of IDEA making.
THINK Tortoise (not the hare). Learning to write is a long journey, we know this to be true.
Michaelangelo said:
“If you know how much work went into it you wouldn’t call it genius.”
At the core of each child’s being is some form of genius.
We inspire genius as we inspire children to bring shape to their IDEAS.
When it comes to literacy, much of the exceptional work that your students will accomplish is subjective in nature tied to their ideas. As students read great stories, they make observations. These observations will inspire ideas. Cataloging ideas in writing over time builds confidence, nurtures skills, develops voice, and motivates students to engage in the work of writing.

Blackbird & Company is an idea born along the way. We have developed an ELA curriculum for kindergarten through 12th grade with three things in mind: 1) Work is GOOD, 2) Children are individuals with enormous potential—genius potential, and 3) Idea-making inspires genius to blossom.
When it comes to literacy, much of the exceptional work that your students will accomplish is subjective in nature tied to their ideas. As students read great stories, they make observations. These observations will inspire ideas. Cataloging ideas in writing over time builds confidence, nurtures skills, develops voice, and promotes true literacy.
IDEAS are genius . Click through to listen in to Motivating Writers: Ideas are Genius on the Sped Homeschool Podcast.
We want ALL students to write well.
We want them to think creatively and to value their ideas.
We want them to know that engaging in the process of writing ideas is worthy because writing is a gift.
When you inspire children to write their IDEAS, their IDEAS will Take Flight!