Where I live there are NEVER snow days (sad face).
But there is ALWAYS white paint!
For this icy, project I decided to introduce the art of Jasper Johns to inspire my apprentice artists. I'm hoping to inspire yours too. We mad a really large, collaborative piece, but this would translate well into an individual work quite nicely. To begin, have your students gather a dozen or more really wonderful, extravagant words—a lexicon for winter.
You will need to gather the following supplies before you begin:
One large sheet of Cardboard (this one is 2' x 3').
A basket of assorted wood, cardboard, or sticker letters, many sizes and many different fonts.
One good pair of sharp scissors (we also used a heavy-duty paper cutter).
One hot glue gun with a large supply of glue.
A large quantity of white acrylic paint and a large paint brush.
Begin with the background, Create geometry using a random, collage technique, layering shapes on top of each other and glueing them to the background using the hot glue gun. When you are satisfied with the background, begin glueing down the words but it is a good idea to lay them all out before glueing to make sure you are satisfied with the placement. Mix and match type-faces, try placing words sideways and upside down. When the cardboard collaging is complete, the fun begins. Slather on a first layer of white paint. Let the coat dry completely then layer on a second coat, and a third! The trick to a really fun end result is to be courageously spontaneous while layering. When you think your done, keep going! Keep layering until the work of art feels snowed in. The you will know its winter.