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When the Schoolroom is a Mentor

Inside schoolroom spaces,





move freely



and respond!

As children engage with schoolroom spaces, learning becomes an active pursuit rather than a passive process.


Schoolroom spaces provide opportunities for the child to practice deep concentration.


Schoolroom spaces offer activities that are self-correcting for our little ones so that they may work on developing confidence through competency.


Schoolroom spaces are organized to encompass an age span. It is wonderful when the younger child experiences the daily stimulation of older role models, and wonderful when the older child beams in the responsibilities of leadership. Students not only learn with each other but also from each other.


Schoolroom spaces offer opportunities for observation. The process of investigation and discovery motivates the child.


Schoolroom spaces provide opportunities for the older child to make choices for independent research that will spark curiosity, stir up the imagination and avoid the doldrums.

Schoolroom spaces elevate the child’s work.


Inside schoolroom spaces learning blooms.


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A House of Many Hats

For the past fifteen years, three (sometimes more) days a week my
home is transformed to a co-operative home school! It is tricky for a
house to wear many hats but ours has become an expert.

We utilize every
inch of our 1200 square feet (now there’s a math workout). During school
we give each space a name. To begin, a favorite space is: On the
. The living room is transformed to the Great Room and in that room
is Old Wood, the table where, by night, our family gathers for dinner. 

kitchen table is always the kitchen table… but not exactly, sometimes we call
it the Gathering Place, other times The Table in the Pink Room. And then
there is our detached garage transformed School Room, the classroom with a
clubhouse feel.


Because the weather is even keeled in our neck of the
woods, much learning takes place in our postage-sized backyard.
In the Garden
we’ve created cozy nooks to read and write. And then there’s recess… hmmm,
the boys always find a way for fun! 

Ultimately our school environment is authentic,
and that is precisely what makes it, well chaotic at times, but without
doubt an artful inspiring home that is at once a school.