This year we are collecting words.
My high school literature workshop began with an eight-week close reading and explored a kaleidoscope of Shakespeare’s words.
This past Monday, as the curtain closed on The Tempest, and culminating essays were handed in, I had an idea, “Open your lexicons, I have a word for you.” We pulled out the dictionaries (old school and iTouch) and raced for the definition.
L. adentus "arrival"
The coming or arrival, especially of something important.
One thing led to another, and by the end of the spontaneous lexicon activity, “wait” and “anticipate” and “expect” and “hope” all led to another idea.
As we wait, anticipate, expect, and hope during the month of December, we’ll create a collaborative collection, one word and one image per day. In January we’ll craft a poem from the verbal and visual advent lexicon as a reminder that waiting, anticipating, expecting, and hoping remind us to marvel in joy, in peace.
We’ll be posting what we gather on our Facebook page. We’d love for you to join us!