Meet Mr. Søren

Meet Mr. Søren

“Talk with a little luck in it, that’s what poetry is—just let the words take you where they want to go. You’ll be invited; things will happen; your life will have more in it than other’s people’s lives have.” ~Poet…

Meet Miss Lori

Meet Miss Lori

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~Winston Churchhill, 1948 speech to the British House of Commons   I recently had the pleasure to talk with a new member of our Pages team. She is…

Introducing Master Taylor

Introducing Master Taylor

“Music and Art, whether we are conscious of their presence or not, are integral to our daily experience.” ~Taylor Bredberg, Composer and Teacher Our Pages online offering will be expanding this year, and everyone I’ve talked to is really excited…

Meet Miss Julia

Meet Miss Julia

“As a Pages teacher, I consider myself to be an adventure guide, leading my students on a journey through a story, pointing out details and nuggets of advice along the way.” ~Julia LaMonte, Earlybird and Level 1 Pages Teacher I…

A Word from Miss Clare

A Word from Miss Clare

What parents are saying about Pages: “Thank you for making class so enjoyable and personal. My daughter’s writing has really expanded since being in classes with you.” ~Brit Riddle “I really appreciate you going through the different areas of reading…

Pages Online Coming SOON!

Pages Online Coming SOON!

This coming year we will be offering 5 Sessions of Pages Online, FIVE! We hope that Pages classes, led by our exceptional teachers, will inspire your students to pick up their pencils and share ideas. A sneak peak of Pages…

Let’s Talk Grammar

Let’s Talk Grammar

Grammar is simply the study of how words combine to form sentences. Words are like putty, they can change purpose depending on how they combine with other words in the context of a sentence. Grammar is complex and essential. But grammar…

It’s Spring! Ideas are Blooming…

It’s Spring! Ideas are Blooming…

This time, last year, I was leading an Earlybird Pages session using our Spring Stories thematic unit—such beautiful stories and pictures about spring. Every time we read a new story, we sensed the anticipation in the air. How exciting, to…

Winter Campfire: Review 2023

Winter Campfire: Review 2023

Tip Number 1. Enjoy the journey! Tip Number 2. “What’s your big idea?” Tip Number 3. Slide of Imagination. Tip #4 Play! Tip #5 Writing is a gift. Tip #6 LOVE the red pen. Tip #7 Write in cursive! Tip…

Campfire for High School: Coalesce

Campfire for High School: Coalesce

Coalesce is a beautiful word. It means: to grow together; to unite into a whole. This word combines the prefix “co” (which means “together”) with the Latin verb alescere (meaning “to grow”). There you have it. Grow together. Combine. Unite. Fuse.…