

With a bingo ball and a Lego block, that’s how summer begins. It is a typical shopping day: Hop in the car. Back out of the driveway. “Who has the list?” Oops… forgot the list, back into the driveway. Søren…

Launch Commit

Launch Commit

Hurrah…Our first post ever! This moment has been a long time coming and we’re so excited to begin this conversation with you. We originally intended for this blog to be a place to meet, dialog and help customers get to…

Artful Educating

Artful Educating

The art of learning is much more than amassing knowledge. For children to acualize their own unique creative genius, they must be encouraged to engage in the work of discovery. Blackbird & Company curriculum encourages the child to acquire academic…

Meet Kim

Meet Kim

Me?   What if I told you that the day my grandmother gave me a dinky white portable typewriter I made each of my family members mailboxes for The Friday Night Flash out of a Captain Crunch cereal box? What…