Haiku Day 4

Haiku Day 4

Wind howling through the empty streets whispers to me, “Once upon winter.”   Wind howling through the empty streets whispers to me, “Once upon winter.” Now you try! Here’s how to enter: Enter your own haiku here using today’s Shakespeare…

Haiku Day 3

Haiku Day 3

Snowflakes scuffle through another blustery day and tickle my smiling face.   Snowflakes scuffle through another blustery day to tickle my face. Now you try! Here’s how to enter: Enter your own haiku here using today’s Shakespeare word—scuffle—to be entered…

Haiku Day 2

Haiku Day 2

Watchdog moon, you shine as I block the bitter wind with my overcoat. Watchdog moon you shine as I block the bitter wind with my overcoat. Now you try! Here’s how to enter: Enter your own haiku here using today’s Shakespeare…

First Day of Haiku

First Day of Haiku

Winter sun sets behind palms as moonbeams sprinkle the sandy shore like snow.   Winter sun sets behind palms as moonbeams sprinkle the sandy shore like snow. Now you try! Here’s how to enter: Enter your own haiku here using…

Sentence to Haiku

Sentence to Haiku

Hokku is a 13th century form of Japanese poetry that was originally the short, quippy opening for a much longer poem, the renga. Hokku, over time, became the little poetic form we all know and love—haiku. Here in the 21st…

Shakespeare’s Words

Shakespeare’s Words

Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” But Shakespeare knew this long before Mark Twain spoke these words! Have you ever…

Start the New Year with Pages

Start the New Year with Pages

January 2024 is right around the corner! Pages classes are designed to foster competence, creativity, and confidence in students as they press into the important work of becoming literate.  Being able to communicate an original, BIG idea is the ultimate…

Creating a Tradition of Letters

Creating a Tradition of Letters

While cleaning out a closet I found some treasure! Real writing gold. A stash of letters my mother had written to my father over the course of a year while she was simultaneously raising 4 children and trying to sell…

Stitch / Strengthen

Stitch / Strengthen

Hands, fingers, eyes, oh my! When it comes to writing an idea, students are often thwarted by the complex activity of coordinating the minute muscle movements of the hands and fingers holding a pencil, with the sight of the eyes…