Three Ideas with Apples

Three Ideas with Apples

It’s apple picking time! Apples are quintessentially fall. Following are three ideas with apples to help you “switch it up” with activities to enjoy those fall feelings… One. Listen to an apple story (this one was a favorite in our…



It’s October. Fall is here and we are, most of us, 6 to 8 weeks into the 2023/24 school year. What now? First, please CONGRATULATE yourself for completing the first cycle of CORE Integrated Reading & Writing units, and likely…

How to Encourage Middle and High School Writers

How to Encourage Middle and High School Writers

Students using our Middle School ELA Grade Level Collections will be exploring essay form, enhancing vocabulary, and being introduced to advanced rhetoric in addition to the CORE units. Students at this level have developed confidence in the expanded form of…

How to Encourage Elementary Writers

How to Encourage Elementary Writers

  How do students in 3rd Grade who are brand new to the paragraph form and still mastering foundational skills become unencumbered idea makers? Incrementally and inspired by idea making, of course! Writing is a creative habit that begins with…

How to Encourage Primary Writers

How to Encourage Primary Writers

And the ability to tame an idea begins with some foundational skills introduced and practiced in the primary grades—Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd! Our Grade Level Collections include everything you need to introduce and reinforce phonics for reading and writing, plus…

The 5-Minute Conference

The 5-Minute Conference

Five minutes are not to be scoffed at! It is amazing what can be accomplished during a 5-minute one-on-one writing conference with a student writer. Here’s how: Have the student read the rough draft aloud. Your job is to protect…

Editing Level 1 Writing, Part 2

Editing Level 1 Writing, Part 2

Here again is an example of a 3rd grade student’s weekly writing, this time tied to the story, The Night Crossing. While it was pointed out that the student didn’t describe an inanimate “object or objects” tied to Christmas or…

Editing Level 1 Writing, Part 1

Editing Level 1 Writing, Part 1

There is a wide range of ability encountered when it comes to Level 1 writers as this post will demonstrate. Students entering the third grade who have been using our curriculum, have been introduced to the whole of phonics (for…

Writing is NOT Calculus!

Writing is NOT Calculus!

When we teach a student calculus, we are teaching them to attend to small parts of a larger form. The word calculus comes from the Latin, meaning small pebble. When teaching our students to write, we should begin by teaching…

The Character of Characters

The Character of Characters

When readers open the cover of a book and enter the pages of a story, they begin a journey. Each of our Literature and Writing Discovery Guides, Earlybird through Level 4, is a personal journal of that journey. Each section…